Last Mile Delivery Logistic Solutions for Easy Warehouse Management

What is Last Mile Delivery ?

During a project’s journey from a warehouse shelf to a truck, and then to a customer’s doorstep, “Last Mile” is a final step – the moment when the package arrives at the customer’s door. It’s both expensive and time-consuming, as it’s a part of the process that gets the package to customers.

Last Mile Delivery Solutions

Process of Last Mile Delivery Solutions

Online orders are placed through a web browser or mobile application that communicates directly with a retailer’s server. The order is then sent to a central inventory system that confirms stock availability. Afterwards, it sends a request to the warehouse hosting the product inventory for dispatch to the end customer. This is when the Last Mile Service begins. The shipper sends an agent to pick up the customer’s items from the warehouse.

In the following Steps, the agent loads the parcel in his vehicle, delivers it to the hub, then picks it up at the hub and delivers it to the customer at his doorstep. All these might seem easy but they are not. There are a lot of moving parts in the Last Mile Delivery Services, and the quality of execution depends on not just internal but external factors as well. To streamline all these disparate process, business are taking advantage of modern logistic solutions.

In simpler terms here are 6 key steps involved here

  1. Requested orders are digitally recorded in the carrier’s system.
  2. The delivery of the ordered items occurs at the transportation hub
  3. It is assigned to delivery personnel along with pertinent information (Recommendation of route and receiver’s location).
  4. Records are maintained by scanning orders, before they are loaded onto the trucks
  5. After this delivery of order is handover to recipient
  6. The employees then records and updates the delivery status of Order.

Problem with Last Mile Delivery Service:

As someone who has experienced tracking a package in real time and having it “out for Delivery” for what seems like an eternity, you know this Last mile problem is a result of inefficiency. The last leg of shipping usually involves several stops with a small drop size.  

There may be only one or two packages left at each of the delivery stops along a route in rural areas. While urban areas do contain more stops per square mile, they are quickly neglected by the constant delays that results from traffic congestion.

Benefit to Work with RCSL:

RCSL is most excellent Last Mile Logistics Solutions Provider with following qualities.

  1. Real-Time Tracking System
  2. Our employees deliver in Real-Time
  3. Efficient Problem Handling
  4. A Zero Failure Deliveries Rate

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